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musings, attempts at advice, stories, inspiration, some deep thoughts and maybe even humour

A depth year for 2022
A year to do deeper, not wider. This year, instead of trying a million new things, I’m going to return to projects I’ve already begun.

The other kind of emergency plan you need right now
What's your emergency plan? You know, the go-to actions for when life gets really challenging. The things you do to ward off a descent...

You don’t have to be a writer to journal
True. You don’t need eloquent words, fancy (or even legible) handwriting. You don’t need a beautiful notebook (in fact better if it’s...

How to care for your unique self
A friend asked me about self-care this week, and I wanted to share with her a few self-care activities or rituals, but I found myself...

Be in love with your life
"Be in love with your life" I read this quote recently, and it got me thinking. How do you fall in love with your life in a time when the...

Need a 20 minute yoga fix? I've got you covered.
I know, you're stuck for time too, so I want to share some great 20 minute yoga practices with you!

Beating the need to stay up past your bedtime to get your 'me time'
Those precious hours between baby bedtime and mama bedtime fly by, don't they? So how DO you get your me-time in before you're exhausted?

10 things that pass for ‘me time’ when you have tiny humans
After kids, "me-time" takes on a new meaning. Here are 10 things that probabably didn't register as me time before, but definitely do now.
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