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musings, attempts at advice, stories, inspiration, some deep thoughts and maybe even humour

A labor project - Distraction in early labor
“There are three things that are givens about labor. It’s hard work. It hurts a lot and you can do it. That’s the bottom line. All the...

How to have a home birth in Ireland
This is a question I get asked a LOT. Because I’m a doula, and because I’ve written about my own home birth here. There are three ways to...

Can I practice yoga in first trimester of pregnancy?
If you’re pregnant or have been pregnant and looked into doing yoga during pregnancy, you might have noticed that many classes and...

I want another baby… if hormones could talk
Moments after my second baby was born, still high on a powerful cocktail of endorphins and oxytocin. Elation and love from the birth I so...

The look of love
09.03.15 The day I became a mother, after an epic labour, hopes for a homebirth dashed with a transfer to the Coombe, 12 hours of...

A body The joy it has brought me (if "it" and "me" can be bringer and receiver of things) A home for my children; first in belly then, in...

What to do with the placenta?
Only took me two and half years and a pandemic to get around to burying the placenta from my younger son.

How the love grows with a second baby
I looked at my toddler, pottering about our apartment and I wondered.How could I ever love another one this much?

What nobody tells you about sex after babies
Lots of things are different about sex post-baby. Some things people will talk about freely.. and some things they might not tell you...

Baby's first birthday is your birthday too mama...
When a baby is born a mother is born too, so why not celebrate the birthing day as well as the baby's first birthday?

Five myths about homebirth
Homebirths in Ireland are rare. For most people it seems to be accepted that giving birth is a medical concern, best occurring in a...

A homebirth in Dublin
A Friday evening above the rooftops of the North Inner City. My son is being born. Rushing into the world, surprising us all with his haste
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