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musings, attempts at advice, stories, inspiration, some deep thoughts and maybe even humour
A labor project - Distraction in early labor
“There are three things that are givens about labor. It’s hard work. It hurts a lot and you can do it. That’s the bottom line. All the...
How to have a home birth in Ireland
This is a question I get asked a LOT. Because I’m a doula, and because I’ve written about my own home birth here. There are three ways to...
I want another baby… if hormones could talk
Moments after my second baby was born, still high on a powerful cocktail of endorphins and oxytocin. Elation and love from the birth I so...
The look of love
09.03.15 The day I became a mother, after an epic labour, hopes for a homebirth dashed with a transfer to the Coombe, 12 hours of...
What to do with the placenta?
Only took me two and half years and a pandemic to get around to burying the placenta from my younger son.
How the love grows with a second baby
I looked at my toddler, pottering about our apartment and I wondered.How could I ever love another one this much?
Five myths about homebirth
Homebirths in Ireland are rare. For most people it seems to be accepted that giving birth is a medical concern, best occurring in a...
A homebirth in Dublin
A Friday evening above the rooftops of the North Inner City. My son is being born. Rushing into the world, surprising us all with his haste
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