The day I became a mother, after an epic labour, hopes for a homebirth dashed with a transfer to the Coombe, 12 hours of syntocinon drip, eventually an epidural (followed by blessed sleep), over an hour of pushing and he was there and they said "look down and see what you have" and I thought "Holy crap it's a BABY".

What did I learn in my first few months as a mother- What would I tell her now?
Even the longest nights end and eventually the baby sleeps
'Sleep when the baby sleeps' is a rule for a reason
There will be bad days and good days
Trust your instincts
Your body will one day feel like your own again
Ask for help
Letting a baby nap in your arms is a great excuse to watch Scandinavian detective dramas (or whatever Netflix binge floats your boat)
It's ok to say you're tired
It's ok to say you're struggling
Whatever you're worried about, others have worried about it too and there are google search autocompletes to prove it
There is no one answer, because no two babies or mothers are the same
A baby falling asleep on your chest is the most beautiful, cosy thing but a baby falling asleep on your chest when you need to pee or when the water/remote is just out of reach is the most frustrating thing
Slings/baby carriers are amazing
Trust your partner to be the parent they naturally are - try not to micro manage
Slow down
Forget about the cot/cosleeper
Nobody is judging you
You'll feel lonely sometimes
Be gentle with yourself
Baby will eventually sleep all night*
Be gentle with your partner
No words can describe this love
No words can describe this love
*although I was reminded they may not be a baby when this happens :-)